Auto-farming is auto-farming, AE endorsing it won't change the fact that it is the same. The "solution" they propose is the exact problem they face.

Might as well as re-release rares, another "solution". New accounts will be maxed out within the month, only now it is "legit", do you think that is healthy? Of course it will be fair to everyone, let's make everything fair to everyone. gameplay is pointless, why even have new farmable items if they can just be auto-farmed? Might as well as just sell the items in a shop.

If you weren't gonna farm the items before "Auto-farming" was implemented then how can you say you are better then those you describe? With "Auto-farming", actual farming is pointless. Could say the same for players who can't stand the grind, if you don't want to grind then don't grind.